Ellii Placement Test (Ireland)
Assessment Tools
The Ellii Placement Test (Ireland) assesses all four skills and is designed to help you determine the Ellii level of a new English language student in Ireland. You can also consult our Equivalency Scale to determine which materials are best suited for your students based on your level preference.
We recommend giving students a time limit of 60 minutes to complete this digital test in order to get the most accurate level placement.
The EPT (Ireland) is divided into 5 sections:
Part 1: Listening (6 recordings, 12 questions, 20%)
Part 2: Grammar (16 questions, 27%)
Part 3: Reading (3 readings, 9 questions, 15%)
Part 4: Writing (3 short answers, 1 long answer, 22%)
Part 5: Speaking (1 long answer, 16%)
Suggested placement levels (based on the number of correctly answered questions or percentages):
0–5 (0–8%) = Pre-Beginner
6–15 (10–25%) = Beginner
16–25 (27–42%) = Low Intermediate
26–40 (43–67%) = Intermediate
41–50 (68–83%) = Intermediate – High Intermediate
51–55 (85–92%) = High Intermediate – Advanced
56–60 (93–100%) = Advanced